Dear Aspirants,
General Studies MCQs are the basic part of Himachal competitive exams. It is helpful to HPSSSB, and State Banks Exams. It is a series of General knowledge MCQ (including Indian History MCQs, Static gk) also help in the National level examination, Sainik School, NDA, and army exams, etc.
Q1. Who was the greatest Chola king?
(A) Vijayalaya
(B) Rajendra
(C) Kulottunga
(D) Rajaraja
Q2. Which of the following books is considered as the Gupta’s equivalent to Kautilya’s Arthashastra of the Mauryas?
(A) Brihaspati Smriti
(B) Narada Smriti
(C) Kaliyugaraja Vrithantha
(D) Kamandaka’s Nitisara
Q3. Which of the following Chinese pilgrims gives us some information about the Gupta?
(A) Wang Hiuen Tse
(B) Fahien
(C) Itsing
(D) Hiuen Tsang
Q4. Which of the following is the author of the famous Allahabad Prasasti?
(A) Ravikirti
(B) Sudraka
(C) Harisena
(D) Kalidasa
Q5. The first Indian scholar who treated Mathematics as a distinct subject was :
(A) Brahmagupta
(B) Vijayanandul
(C) Varahamihira
(D) Aryabhatta
Q6. Which of the following rulers was called Kaviraja?
(A) Samudragupta
(B) Chandragupta-1
(C) Chandragupta
(D) Kumaragupta
Q7. Who invaded and destroyed the famous Somnath Temple ?
(A) Muhammad-Bin-Qasim
(B) Temurlang
(C) Mahmud of Ghazni
(D) Mohammad Ghori
Q8. Which of the following built the Konark Temple in Orissa?
(A) Kanishka
(B) Pulakesin-II
(C) Raja Krishna Deva Raya
(D) Narasimha Deva-I
Q9. The Temple of Ellora and Fresco of Ajanta were built by :
(A) Pallavas
(B) Krishna Deva Raya
(C) Chalukyas
(D) Rashtrakutas
Q10. Which of the following dynasty is Rajaraja the Great belonged to?
(A) Gupta dynasty
(B) Chola dynasty
(C) Rashtrakutas
(D) Chalukya dynasty
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