Dear Aspirants,
Information Technology Quiz is the basic part of the Himachal GK. It is helpful to increase your knowledge based on information technology. It is a series of Himachal Gk MCQs. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well.
1. In MS PowerPoint which of the following options changes the fill color of an object back to the default color?
(A) Template
(B) Automatic
(C) Patterns
(D) Fill color
2. In MS PowerPoint which of the following should you use to add shading to a drawing object or an auto shape object?
(A) Text box tool
(B) Line tool
(C) Fill color
(D) Both B and C
3. In MS PowerPoint which of the following tools enables you to add text to a slide without using the standard placeholders?
(A) Text box tool
(B) Line tool
(C) Fill color
(D) Auto shapes tool
4. In MS PowerPoint a cell is defined as?
(A) The intersection of a column and a row
(B) An input box
(C) A rectangular marker
(D) All of the above
5. In MS PowerPoint which of the following must be used with the mouse when you want to resize an image from the center and keep it proportioned?
(A) The space bar
(B) The alt key
(C) The ctrl key
(D) The shift key
6. In MS PowerPoint which of the following should be used with the mouse when you want to draw a perfect shape?
(A) The space bar
(B) The alt key
(C) The ctrl key
(D) The shift key
7. In MS PowerPoint what will happen if you release the mouse button before releasing the shift key when you draw a square?
(A) The square will not be a perfect square
(B) The square will not be at the center of the slide
(C) The square will be smaller
(D) The square will be larger
8. In MS PowerPoint on which part of the chart is the values entered in a data sheet displayed?
(A) The title area
(B) The legend
(C) The Y-axis
(D) The X-axis
9. In MS PowerPoint in order to edit a chart, you can?
(A) Triple click the chart object
(B) Click and drag the chart object
(C) Double-click the chart object
(D) Click the chart object
10. In MS PowerPoint when an image is selected, it displays which of the following?
(A) Two corner handles
(B) Six middle handles
(C) Eight sizing handles
(D) Six boxes
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