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Know Your District

Know Your District – Chamba

PROLOGUE CHAMBA is mainly land of Lord Shiv………. The Chamba district is Lying mostly astride the main Himalayas, and touching on the fringes at one corner of a bit of the Shivalik before plains commence […]

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Himachal Day

Himachal Day In Indian, Indepance Himachal has many princely states and many of the areas of the Himachal in Punjab. After the Independence Himachal has Class ‘G’ State Himachal came into existence on 15th April […]

हिंदी हिन्दी वर्ण वर्णों संधि  शब्द विचार

 शब्द विचार

 शब्द विचार  जिसमें शब्दों के भेद ,उच्चारण ,मिलने की रीति आदि की जानकारी हो उसे शब्द विचार कहते हैं ।जैसे :- राम, श्याम, गंगा, हिमालय आदि । शब्द :- वर्णों  या ध्वनियों के सार्थक मेल […]