G.N.M And Nursing MCQ

Dear Aspirants,

G.N.M And Nursing MCQs It is helpful to BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse, GNM Competitive Exams, and All India Medical, BSc Nursing, G.N.M Entrance Exams. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well

Special for G.N.M And Nursing, BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse. 

1. The only artery which supplies deoxygenated blood
(A) Pulmonary artery
(B) Hepatic artery
(C) Gastric artery
(D) Renal artery

2. In following which structure is also known as the pacemaker of heart –
(A) SA node
(B) Bundle of his
(C) AV node
(D) Mitral valve

3. In following which is both exocrine and endocrine gland-
(A) Pituitary gland
(B) Pancreas
(C) Adrenal gland
(D) Thyroid gland

4. Total number of muscles in the human body is –
(A) 200
(B) 400
(C) 300
(D) 639

5. % of O, in inspired air, is –
(A) 78%
(B) 16%
(C) 21%
(D) 52%

6. Cardiac muscles are –
(A) Voluntary and striated
(B) Involuntary and non-striated
(C) Voluntary and non-striated
(D) Involuntary and striated

7. In which body cavity kidney is situated –
(A) Abdominal cavity
(B) Pelvic cavity
(C) Thoracic cavity
(D) Mediastinum

8. Total number of intercostal muscles are –
(A) 7 pairs
(B) 12 pairs
(C) 11 pairs
(D) 24 pairs

9. Which cranial nerve has the highest number of branches
(A) Trochlear nerve
(B) Vagus nerve
(C) Facial nerve
(D) Trigeminal nerve

10. The last product in the process of blood coagulation is
(A) Fibrin
(B) Thromboplastin
(C) Thrombin
(D) Prothrombin


About pankaj 439 Articles
Pankaj is passionate about his work. Because he loves what he does. He is a full time blogger and also has experience in Computer as well as in Teaching Field. DHGK is the dream Project of his own Mind to help aspirants.

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