C Programming Language – 4

In c language which of the following operator has the lowest priority?

Correct! Wrong!

In c language which of the following operator has the higest priority?

Correct! Wrong!

In c language which of the following operators has precedence to determines which operator is?

Correct! Wrong!

In c language, integer division results in?

Correct! Wrong!

In c language which of the following is a ternary operator?

Correct! Wrong!

In c language what will be the output of the following expression 9^5?

Correct! Wrong!

In c language the cast operator is?

Correct! Wrong!

In c language explicit type conversion is known as?

Correct! Wrong!

In c language the operator + in x+=7 means

Correct! Wrong!

In c language x++ execute fasterthan x+1 because?

Correct! Wrong!

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