Dear Aspirants,
Information Technology Quiz is the basic part of the Himachal GK. It is helpful to increase your knowledge based on information technology. It is a series of Himachal Gk MCQs. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well.
1. The______ in the resume wizard dialog box indicates the wizard is ready to create the document?
(A) Start panel
(B) Address panel
(C) Add/sort heading a panel
(D) Finish panel
2. What does ctrl + = key effect?
(A) Superscript
(B) Subscript
(C) All Caps
(D) Shadow
3. The spike?
(A) Allows you to combine text from several documents and then insert all the text into one document at one time
(B) Allows you to edit auto text entries
(C) Allows you to format the text entries
(D) All of the above
4. The word-wrap reature?
(A) Automatically move text to the next when necessary
(B) Appears at the bottom of the document
(C) Allows you to type over text
(D) Is the short horizontal text
5. How can you make the selected character superscripted?
(A) Ctrl +=
(B) Ctrl + shift + =
(C) Alt + ctrl + shift + =
(D) None of these
6. When typing in a word file manually, what must you press to insert the code’s braces?
(A) Ctrl + F6
(B) Ctrl + F9
(C) Ctrl + F11
(D) Shift + F12
7. What is the shortcut key to open the dialog box in MS Word?
(A) F12
(B) Shift + F12
(C) Alt + F12
(D) Ctrl + F12
8. What is the shortcut key to split a table?
(A) Ctrl + alt + enter
(B) Ctrl + shift + enter
(C) Alt + shift + enter
(D) Alt + space + enter
9. Which key is used to increase left indent?
(A) Ctrl + l
(B) Ctrl + M
(C) Alt + l
(D) F10
10. When the same word is used in multiple locations or a word is used that was not quit appropriate, a thesaurus can be used to look up a (n)__ or a word similar in meaning?
(A) Synonym
(B) Homonym
(C) Antonym
(D) Metronym
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