C Programming Language – 12

In c language a set names can be represented as a?

Correct! Wrong!

In c language, lets x is an array. Which of the following cannot be present on the left-hand side of an assignment statement?

Correct! Wrong!

In c language, the statement printf("%d", 10?0?5 : 11 : 12); will print?

Correct! Wrong!

In clanguage, the sattement printf("%d", sizeof(" ")); will print?

Correct! Wrong!

In clanguage, the following statement will print: printf("%f", 9/5)

Correct! Wrong!

In clanguage, if the word size is 16 bit then ~0 x c5 will be?

Correct! Wrong!

In clanguage, which of the following operation produce an 1, if the input bits 1 and 1?

Correct! Wrong!

In clanguage, the number of possible value of m, such that m & 0x3f = 0x23 is?

Correct! Wrong!

In clanguage, what will the output for print("% d", p r i n t f("tim"));?

Correct! Wrong!

In clanguage, let x be an array. Which of the following operation are illegal?

Correct! Wrong!

C Programming Language – 11

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