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G.N.M And Nursing MCQs It is helpful to BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse, GNM Competitive Exams, and All India Medical, BSc Nursing, G.N.M Entrance Exams. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well
Q1. In head injury, mannitol is given to
(A) Prevent seizures
(B) Decrease ICP
(C) Maintain body temperature
(D) Treat headache
Q2. What do you mean by cyanosis-
(A) The yellowish coloration of the skin
(B) The blue coloration of the skin
(C) Increase respiration rate
(D) Loss of appetite
Q3. Concentration of xylocaine which is used for spinal anesthesia is
(A) 5%
(B) 10%
(D) 1%
(C) 2%
Q4. Clinical manifestations of anemia include except
(A) Low Hb level
(B) Fatigue
(C) Hyperactivity
(D) Lassitude
Q5. Priority basis management of an unconscious patient include
(A) LV therapy
(B) IV. mannitol
(C) Clearance of airway
(D) Cardiac compression
Q6. Appendicitis is characterized by-
(A) Pain at the umbilical region
(B) Pain at the pelvic region
(C) Bile containing vomitus
(D) Pain at Mc bumy point
Q7. Commonest cause of liver cirrhosis is
(A) Infection
(B) Alcohol
(C) Analgesics
(D) Caffeine
Q8. During Lumbar puncture which position is given to a patient
(A) Supine position
(B) Side-lying ‘C’ shaped position
(C) Lithotomy position
(D) Fowler’s position
Q9. In oliguria volume of urine is
(A) Less than 100 ml
(B) Less than 400 ml
(C) Less than 800 ml
(D) Absence of urine
Q10. Tracheostomy is performed
(A) Between 2nd and 3rd tracheal ring
(B) Between the 4th and 5th tracheal ring
(C) Between the 6th and 7th tracheal ring
(D) At the level of Ist tracheal ring
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