G.N.M And Nursing MCQ

Dear Aspirants,

G.N.M And Nursing MCQs It is helpful to BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse, GNM Competitive Exams, and All India Medical, BSc Nursing, G.N.M Entrance Exams. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well

Q1 CHN is a community-based practice. This best explains this statement
(A) The services are provided in the natural environment of people
(B) The nurse has to conduct community diagnosis to determines nursing needs and problems
(C) The service is based on the available resources within the community
(D) Priority setting is based on the magnitude of the health problems identified

Q2 When the body is able to make its own antibodies by having disease & recovering or by vaccination, it is known as-
(A) Acquired immunity
(B) Passive immunity
(C) Active immunity
(D) Passive acquired immunity

Q3 The nurse will advise the mother to isolate the child with measles for 
(A) 3 days
(B) 7 days
(C) 5 days
(D) 9 days

Q4 Which of the following is the strategy for category IV (DOTS Plus) treatment for
(A) 6 (9) ofx Eto CsZE + 18 of x Eto CsE
(B) 6 (9) Km EtoCsZE + 18 ofx CsZ
(C) 6 (9)KM ofx Eto CSZE + I8 ofx Elo CsE
(D) 6 (9) Km ofx E CsE + 18 ofx Eto CsZ

Q5 Which test is undertaken to measure the amount actively replicating HIV virus which helps to know the progress and relapse of ART drugs
(A) HIV viral load test
(B) CD4 count
(C) CD4 percentage
(D) Western blot test

Q6 The nursing care of the patient with dengue fever include all of the following except
(A) Provide cold compression
(B) Provide proper hydration and electrolyte balance
(C) Symptomatic treatment is given irrespective of the grade of the disease
(D) Low-grade dengue fever can be treated at home

Q7 In the prevention of communicable diseases, the primary prevention results from
(A) Immunization
(B) Early diagnosis
(C) Strict isolation
(D) Treatment of disease

Q8 Which of the following method of contraception can prevent sexually transmitted diseases
(A) Oral pills
(B) Copper-T
(C) Condom
(D) Cervical cap

Q9 Temporary hardness of water is removed by
(A) Filtration
(B) Addition of chlorine
(C) Boiling
(D) SODIS method

Q10 Which one of the health services is not available in the rural health unit
(A) Maternal and child health work
(B) Communicable disease control work
(C) Environmental sanitation work
(D) Cancer treatment facility


About pankaj 439 Articles
Pankaj is passionate about his work. Because he loves what he does. He is a full time blogger and also has experience in Computer as well as in Teaching Field. DHGK is the dream Project of his own Mind to help aspirants.

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