G.N.M And Nursing MCQ

Dear Aspirants,

G.N.M And Nursing MCQs It is helpful to BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse, GNM Competitive Exams, and All India Medical, BSc Nursing, G.N.M Entrance Exams. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well

Q1 Which fluid is used vaccine for the dilution of BCG Vaccine
(A) Tap water
(B) Normal saline
(C) Distilled water
(D) RL

Q2 Universal immunization programme was started in
(A) 1947
(B) 1985
(C) 1978
(D) 1992

Q3 Measles vaccine is a-
(A) Live viral vaccine
(B) Live bacterial vaccine
(C) Killed viral vaccine
(D) Killed bacterial vaccine

Q4 In following which vaccine is not included in national immunization schedule
(B) Typhoid
(C) Measles

Q5 Causative organism of AIDS is
(A) Paramyxovirus
(B) Orthomyxu virus
(C) Retrovirus
(D) Rhabdo virus

Q6 Frozen DPT vaccine should be
(A) Allowed to melt before use
(B) Shaken thoroughly before use
(C) Brought to room temperature before use
(D) Discarded

Q7 Administration of measles vaccine to the children is a measure of
(A) Treatment
(B) Health promotion
(C) Specific protection
(D) Rehabilitation

Q8 Which of the following statement above vaccines is not correct
(A) The diluent used for BCG vaccine is normal saline
(B) DPT vaccine should be stored in the cold part of the refrigerator
(C) Diluent for measles vaccine should be stored outside the refrigerator at room temperature
(D) Reconstituted measles vaccine should be used within one hour of reconstitution

Q9 Schilling test is used for detection of
(A) Folic acid deficiency
(B) Cyanocobalamin deficiency
(C) Iron deficiency
(D) fodine deficiene

Q10 Which of the following vaccine should not be frozen
(A) Oral polio
(C) Mae triple vaccine (DPT)
(D) Measles


About pankaj 439 Articles
Pankaj is passionate about his work. Because he loves what he does. He is a full time blogger and also has experience in Computer as well as in Teaching Field. DHGK is the dream Project of his own Mind to help aspirants.

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