Dear Aspirants,
General Studies MCQs are the basic part of Himachal competitive exams. It is helpful to HPSSSB, and State Banks Exams. It is a series of General knowledge MCQ (including Indian History MCQs, Static gk) also help in the National level examination, Sainik School, NDA, and army exams, etc.
1. Which of the following was the chief impact of Vedic culture on Indian History?
(A) Rise of otherworldly outlooks
(B) Consolidation of the caste system
(C) Growth of Sanskrit
(D) Progress of philosophy
2. Which of the following was the origin of Ayurveda?
(A) Rigveda
(B) Upanishad
(C) Yajurveda
(D) Atharvaveda
3. Which of the following was the founder of the first Afghan rule in India?
(A) Sikandar Lodhi
(B) Shershah Suri
(C) Ibrahim Lodhi
(D) Bahlol Lodhi
4. The Panchatantra was written during the
(A) Gupta period
(B) Sultanate period
(C) Maurya period
(D) Later Vedic period
5. Which of the following invented the zero?
(A) Bhaskaracharya
(B) Aryabhatta
(C) Varahamihira
(D) None of these
6. Which of the following languages was used in Ashoka’s Edicts?
(A) Devanagari
(B) Brahmi
(C) Pali
(D) Sanskrit
7. Which of the following rulers did not belong to the Shunga dynasty?
(A) Vasudeva
(B) Devabhuti
(C) Pushyamitra
(D) Agnimitra
8. Which of the following was the physician of Kanishka?
(A) Asvaghosha
(B) Susruta
(C) Charaka
(D) Dhanvantri
9. Which of the following was the founder of the Shunga dynasty?
(A) Devabhuti
(B) Agnimitra
(C) Vasumitra
(D) Pushyamitra
10 Which of the following was the founder of the Satavahana dynasty?
(A) Yajnasri Satakarni
(B) Pulamayi I
(C) Sri Satakarni
(D) Simuka
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