Dear Aspirants,
General Studies MCQs are the basic part of Himachal competitive exams. It is helpful to HPSSSB, and State Banks Exams. It is a series of General knowledge MCQ (including Indian History MCQs, Static gk) also help in the National level examination, Sainik School, NDA, and army exams, etc.
Q1. Identify the place which is said to be the birthplace of Buddhism?
(A) Lumbini
(B) Vaishali
(C) Sarnath
(D) Patliputra
Q2. Which of the following was added to the Buddhist canonical texts by the fourth Buddhist Council?
(A) Kathavasthu Prakarana
(B) Vibhashas or commentaries
(C) Jatakas
(D) Dhammapada
Q3. Find out which was not one of the “Three Jewels” of Buddhism?
(A) Sungha
(B) Ahimsa
(C) Dhamma
(D) Buddha
Q4. Which of the following was the Buddhist nun?
(A) Sujata
(B) Gautami
(C) Yashodhara
(D) Mahamaya
Q5. Which of the following was the first Tirthankara according to Jain tradition?
(A) Sthulabahu
(B) Hemchandra
(C) Augisara
(D) Rishabha
Q6. Which of the following is not among the “three ratans or gems of Jainism?
(A) Belief in God
(B) Full knowledge
(C) Liberation
(D) Action
Q7. Which was of the following places where Mahavira’s death took place?
(A) Vaishali
(B) Pava
(C) Sarnath
(D) Patliputra
Q8. The trace of the Bhagavata cult is not found in the
(A) Epics
(B) Mundka Upanishads
(C) Brahmanas
(D) Puranas
Q9. Which was of the following places where Buddha attained enlightenment?
(A) Bodh Gaya
(B) Kushinagar
(C) Sarnath
(D) Lumbini
Q10. Which of the following was written by Milindapanho?
(A) Kautilya
(B) Nagasena
(C) Buddaghosha
(D) Ashvaghosha
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