Dear Aspirants,
Himachal Gk MCQ/Quiz is the basic part of Himachal competitive exams. It is helpful to HPSSSB, and Banks Exams. It is a series of Himachal Gk MCQs.
1. Which of the following river does not flow through Himachal Pradesh?
(A) Ravi
(B) Chandrabhaga
(C) Jhelum
(D) Beas
2. Who built Maukot fort?
(A) Salim
(B) Salim Shah Sur
(C) A and B
(D) None
3. Mandi Town was established by?
(A) Raja Suraj Sen
(B) Raja Ajmer Sen
(C) Ranja Ber Sen
(D) None of these
4. When was the battle of Bhagini fought?
(A) 1586 A.D
(B) 1686 A.D
(C) 1786 A.D
(D) 1886 A.D
5. ‘H.P. Area and Languages’ written by?
(A) Shanta Kumar
(B) Dr. Y. S. Parmar
(C) Hari Ram Jasta
(D) None of these
6. Outer Himalayas is known as?
(A) Lower Himalayas
(B) Shivalik
(C) Manak
(D) All of these
7. In which District of Himachal Pr Pradesh to produce Sugar beet?
(A) Kullu
(B) Sirmor
(C) Kinnaur
(D) Kangra
8. The location of Himachal Pradesh is?
(A) 32022’ to 34012’ North latitude and 750 47’ to 780 04’ East Longitude
(B) 30022’ to 33012’ North latitude and 75047’ to 79004’ East Longitude
(C) 31022’ to 300 12’ North longitude and 75047’ to 79004’ east longitude
(D) None of these
9. How many Divisions are there in Himachal Pradesh?
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 2
(D) 3
10. In which district Mani Mahesh Lake situated?
(A) Kangra
(B) Una
(C) Chamba
(D) Palampur
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