Information Technology Quiz – 116

information technology

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General Program Shortcuts for an MS Word document:

1. To extend a selection one line up in MS word file which of the following shortcut key is used?
(A) Shift + left arrow
(B) Shift + down arrow
(C) Shift + up arrow
(D) Shift + right arrow

2. To extend a selection to the end of a paragraph in MS word file which of the following shortcut key is used?
(A) Ctrl + shift + down arrow
(B) Ctrl + shift + left arrow
(C) Ctrl + shift + right arrow
(D) Ctrl + shift + up arrow

3. To extend a selection to the beginning of a paragraph in MS word file which of the following shortcut key is used?
(A) Ctrl + shift + right arrow
(B) Ctrl + shift + up arrow
(C) Ctrl + shift + left arrow
(D) Ctrl + shift + up arrow

4. To extend selection one screen down in MS word file which of the following shortcut key is used?
(A) Shift + page up
(B) Shift + page down
(C) Page down
(D) Page up

5. To extend a selection one screen up in MS word file which of the following shortcut key is used?
(A) Shift + page down
(B) Shift + left arrow
(C) page up
(D) Shift + page up

6. To extend a selection to the beginning of MS word file which of the following shortcut key is used?
(A) Ctrl + shift + insert
(B) Ctrl + shift + end
(C) Ctrl + shift + home
(D) Ctrl + home

7. To extend a selection to the end of MS word file which of the following shortcut key is used?
(A) Ctrl + shift + end
(B) Ctrl + end
(C) Ctrl + shift + home
(D) End

8. To extend a selection to the end of a window in MS word file which of the following shortcut key is used?
(A) Alt + ctrl + shift + page up
(B) Alt + ctrl + shift + page down
(C) Alt + ctrl + shift + home
(D) Alt + ctrl + shift + end

9. To extend a selection to include the entire document in MS word file which of the following shortcut key is used?
(A) Ctrl + A
(B) Ctrl + B
(C) Ctrl + C
(D) Ctrl + V

10. To select a vertical block of text in MS word file which of the following shortcut key is used?
(A) Ctrl + shift + F1, and then use the arrow keys; press Esc to cancel selection mode
(B) Ctrl + shift + F4, and then use the arrow keys; press Esc to cancel selection mode
(C) Ctrl + shift + F5, and then use the arrow keys; press Esc to cancel selection mode
(D) Ctrl + shift + F8, and then use the arrow keys; press Esc to cancel selection mode

Information Technology Quiz – 115

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