Dear Aspirants,
Daily Information Technology Quiz is the basic part of the Himachal GK. It is helpful to increase your knowledge based on information technology. It is a series of Himachal Gk MCQs. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well.
1. MS-Excel is based on?
(A) Window
(D) OS/2
2. In Excel, you can sum a large range of data by simply selecting a tool button called?
(A) AutoFill
(B) Auto correct
(C) Auto sum
(D) Auto format
3. To select an entire column in MS-Excel, press?
(A) Ctrl + C
(B) Ctrl + arrow key
(C) Ctrl + S
(D) None of the above
4. To return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor in Excel which of the following function is used?
(B) FACT()
(C) MOD()
(D) DIV()
5. Which function is not available in the consolidated dialog box?
(A) Pmt
(B) Average
(C) Max
(D) Sum
6. Which id not the function of an edit, clear command?
(A) Delete contents
(B) Delete notes
(C) Delete cells
(D) Delete formats
7. Microsoft Excel is powerful?
(A) Word processing package
(B) Spreadsheet package
(C) Communication software package
(D) DBMS package
8. How do you rearrange the data in ascending or descending order?
(A) Data, sort
(B) Data, form
(C) Data, table
(D) Data, subtotal
9. Which chart can be created in Excel?
(A) Area
(B) Line
(C) Pie
(D) All of the above
10. What will be the output if you format the cell containing 5436.8 as ‘#,##0.00’?
(A) 5430
(B) 5436.8
(C) 556.8
(D) 6.8
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