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Q1 Malarial transmission occurs by-
(A) Vector
(B) Food and water
(C) Airborne
(D) Fomite (inanimate object)
Q2 Robert Koch discovered the etiologic agent of
(A) Smallpox
(B) Typhoid
(C) Tuberculosis
(D) Polio
Q3 The vaccination was first performed by
(A) Edward Jenner
(B) Alexander Fleming
(C) Jonas Salk
(D) Louis Pasteur
Q4 The concentration of oxygen in expired air is
(A) 0%
(B) 21%
(C) 16%
(D) 4%
Q5 Which type of the following organism cause malignant malaria-
(A) Plasmodium vivax
(B) Plasmodium falciparum
(C) Plasmodium ovale
(D) None of the above
Q6 According to the national malaria control strategy, The epidemiological types of malaria are, EXCEPT
(A) Tribal malaria
(B) Urban malaria
(C) Rural malaria
(D) Seasonal malaria
Q7 Which date is the international women’s day observed every year.
(A) 06 March
(B) 08 March
(C) 07 March
(D) 09 March
Q8 The period of 12th five year plan of the government of India is-
(A) 2010-2015
(B) 2011-2016
(C) 2012-2017
(D) 2013-1018
Q9 A 30-year-old pregnant women are diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. Which of the following anti tuberculosis drug should NOT be given
(B) Streptomycin
(C) Rifampicin
(D) Ethambutol
Q10 Stillbirth rate includes babies dead after
(A) 20 weeks
(B) 28 weeks
(C) 24 weeks
(D) 32 weeks
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