C Programming Language – 16

In c language, what will be the output of the following arithmetic expression ?5+3*2%10-8*6?

Correct! Wrong!

In c language, what will be the output of the following statement ?int a=10; printf("%d &i",a,10);

Correct! Wrong!

In c language, what will be the output of the following statement ?printf("%X%x%ci%x",11,10,'s',12);

Correct! Wrong!

In c language, what will be the output of the following statements ?int a = 4, b = 7,c; c = a = = b; printf("%i",c);

Correct! Wrong!

In c language, what will be the output of the following statements ?int a = 5, b = 2, c = 10, i = a>b void main(){ printf("hello"); main(); }

Correct! Wrong!

In c langauge, what will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code? struct marks{ int p:3;int c:3;int m:2;}; void main() { struct marks s={ 2,-6,5 }; printf("%d %d %d",s.p,s.c,s.m); }

Correct! Wrong!

In c langauge, what will be the output of the following statements ? int x[4] = {1,2,3}; printf("%d %d %D",x[3],x[2],x[1]);

Correct! Wrong!

In c langauge, what will be the output of the following statement ? printf( 3 + "hello");

Correct! Wrong!

In c langauge, what will be the output of the following statements? long int a = scanf("%ld%ld",&a,&a); printf("%ld",a);

Correct! Wrong!

In c language, what will be the output of the following program ? #includevoid main(){ int a = 2; switch(a){ case 1: printf("goodbye"); break;case 2: continue; case 3: printf("bye"); }}

Correct! Wrong!

C Programming Language – 15

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