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G.N.M And Nursing MCQs It is helpful to BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse, GNM Competitive Exams, and All India Medical, BSc Nursing, G.N.M Entrance Exams. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well
Q1 According to Freud’s psychoanalytical theory, sexual interests or drives are repressed in the following stage of psychosexual development
(A) Anal stage
(B) Genital stage
(C) Phallic stage
(D) Latency stage
Q2 According to freud which of the following is not a part of subsystem or structure of personality
(A) Ego
(B) Id
(C) Oedipus complex
(D) Super Ego
Q3 A person justifies his failures and socially unacceptable behavior by giving false but socially acceptable reasons, is
(A) Displacement
(B) Intellectualization
(C) Rationalization
(D) Reaction formation
Q4 A special ability to learn and develop particular skills is known as-
(A) Attitude
(B) Intelligence
(C) Aptitude
(D) Achievement
Q5 Three elements- Need, drive, and incentive are related with
(A) Motivation
(B) Thinking
(C) Emotion
(D) Perception
Q6 Emotion is
(A) Conscious experience
(B) Unconscious experience
(C) Subconscious experience
(D) None of the above
Q7 A science which is related to developing a strategy to maintain and promote and restore the health of the people is called as
(A) Social psychology
(B) Mental hygiene
(C) Psychiatry
(D) Clinical pathology
Q8 The largest sense organ of our body is sensitive to
(A) Light
(B) Chemical concentration
(C) Sound
(D) Touch
Q9 The process of adjustment include
(A) Changing oneself
(B) Changing other people
(C) Changing the surrounding environment
(D) Both (A) and (C)
Q10 A corrupted politician gives a lecture against corruption in an election rally, he is using the following defense mechanism
(A) Rationalization
(B) Projection
(C) Reaction formation
(D) Identification
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