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G.N.M And Nursing MCQs It is helpful to BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse, GNM Competitive Exams, and All India Medical, BSc Nursing, G.N.M Entrance Exams. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well
Q1 A client expresses the belief that the C.B.I. is out to kill him. This is an example of
(A) A hallucination
(B) A self-accusatory delusion
(C) A delusion of persecution
(D) An error in judgment
Q2 When a nurse-patient relationship is ending, the patient may react by
(A) Rejecting the nurse
(B) Becoming angry
(C) Regression and withdrawal
(D) Acceptance
Q3 Repulsion, curiosity, self-assertion, and construction are examples.
(A) Drives
(B) Instincts
(C) Needs
(D) Incentives
Q4 One of the stage as per Freud’s psychosexual development theory emphasized that an infant in the first year of life derives pleasure by nursing and sucking, putting a finger or thing in the mouth
(A) Oral stage
(B) Latency stage
(C) Phallic stage
(D) Anal stage
Q5 Nurse-Patient relationship is
(A) Human to human relation
(B) Superior subordinate relation
(C) Subordinate superior relation
(D) Employer employee relation
Q6 The family includes relatives in addition to the nuclear family is
(A) Joint family
(B) Extended family
(C) Blended family
(D) Single parent family
Q7 Family functioning involves
(A) The process used by the family to achieve goals
(B) The pattern of people who are considered to be family members
(C) The ongoing membership of family
(D) The pattern of relationship
Q8 Family structure is –
(A) The process used by the family to achieve goals
(B) The pattern of people who are considered to be family members
(C) The ongoing membership of family
(D) The pattern of relationship
Q9 An important aspect of the nurse-patient relationship is
(A) Therapeutic
(B) Social
(C) Personal
(D) Casual
Q100 Following are the strategies to promote effective human relations except
(A) Individualized goals
(B) Common organizational goals
(C) Group cohesiveness
(D) Sense of oneness
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