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Special for G.N.M And Nursing, BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse.
1. Exchange of gases between the blood and the cells is known as:
(A) Oxygenation
(B) External respiration
(C) Internal respiration
(D) Excretion
2. In following which is not an organ of the respiratory system-
(A) Larynx
(B) Pharynx
(C) Oesophagus
(D) Bronchi
3. The bones which form the roof of the nasal cavity are except
(A) Sphenoid bone
(B) Ethmoid
(C) Frontal
(D) Maxilla
4. In following which bone is found in the floor of the nasal cavity
(A) Maxilla
(B) Palatine
(C) Sphenoid
(D) Both A and C
5. What do you mean by sinuses
(A) Space between two bones
(B) Cavities in the bones
(C) Space between two tissue layers
(D) Space between two lungs
6. What is the function of conchae in the nasal cavity
(A) They secrete mucus
(B) They increase the surface area
(C) They decrease the surface area
(D) They have no function
7. In following which is a function of nose in human being
(A) Filtering the inspired air
(B) Humidification of inspired air
(C) Sense of smell
(D) All of the above
8. Length of the pharynx in an adult is about
(A) 6-8 cm
(B) 20-25 cm
(C) 12-14 cm
(D) 50-54 cm
9. Opening of the auditory tube found in
(A) Nasopharynx
(B) Oropharynx
(C) Laryngopharynx
(D) Oesophagus
10. Which structure is known as the voice box
(A) Pharynx
(B) Oesophagus
(C) Larynx
(D) Intercostal muscles
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