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Special for G.N.M And Nursing, BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse.
1. McBurney’s point is located in which of the following quadrant of the abdomen
(A) Left lower
(B) Right lower
(C) Left upper
(D) Right upper
2. If the phenotype of the parents is B and AB, which of the following blood groups is not possible in offspring –
(A) A
(B) B
(C) O
(D) AB
3. Under normal circumstances the volume of inspired air is-
(A) 200 ml
(B) 400 ml
(C) 300 ml
(D) 500 ml
4. Eating behavior is controlled by
(A) Adrenal glands
(B) Thyroid
(C) Hypothalamus
(D) Pancreas
5. The junction through which neurons communicate with one another is –
(A) Dendrite
(B) Synapse
(C) Axon
(D) Node of Ranvier
6. A gland which can be classified as an endocrine and an exocrine gland is –
(A) Thymus
(B) Pituitary
(C) Thyroid
(D) Pancreas
7. Which of the following sphincter does not prevent reflux of material
(A) Lower oesophageal sphincter
(B) Gastroduodenal sphincter
(C) lleocolonic sphincter
(D) Internal anal sphincter
8. Active transport of substance from the blood into the nephrone is called –
(A) Filtration
(B) Tubular-secretion
(C) Tubular-reabsorption
(D) Osmosis
9. Heat regulating center is located in –
(A) Hypothalamus
(B) Thalamus
(C) Medulla oblongata
(D) Cerebrum
10. The smallest bone of human body is –
(A) Phallanges
(B) Xiphisternum
(C) Stapes
(D) Metacarpals
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