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Q1 Most frequent side effect associated with the use of IUCD is
(A) Ectopic pregnancy
(B) Expulsion of IUCD
(C) Rupture of uterus
(D) Excessive menstrual flow
Q2 Which of the following heromones is not produced by placenta
(A) Testosterone
(B) Estrogen
(C) Progesterone
(D) Human chorionic gonadotrophin
Q3 A patient progress from pre-eclampsia to edampsia, the nurse’s first action should be to
(A) Administer oxygen by face mask
(B) Clear and maintain as open airway
(C) Administer magnesium sulfate intravenously
(D) Assess the blood pressure and fetal heart rate
Q4 The signs of fetal distress are
(A) Fetal heart sound is irregular
(B) Meconium stained liquor
(C) Fetal heart sound is less than 120 / minute
(D) All of these
Q5 The embryo / foetus gets its food supply from
(A) Arteries of the mother
(B) The uterus
(C) The placenta
(D) The amniotic sac
Q6 Disorders of uterine tube and ovaries are
(A) Acute salpingitis
(B) Ectopic pregnancy
(C) Tumours
(D) All of the above
Q7 gravida denotes the
(A) Pregnant state
(B) Previous pregnancy
(C) Pregnancy at the stage of 30 and above
(D) All of the above
Q8 A woman delivered this morning, because this is her first child, which of the following goals is most appropriate
(A) Early discharge for mother and baby
(B) Rapid adoption to the role of parents
(C) Effective education of both parents
(D) Minimal need for expression of negative feelings
Q9 A woman had a midline episiotomy performed at delivery. The primary purpose of the episiotomy is to |LNJP – 2012
(A) Allow forceps to be applied
(B) Enlarge the vaginal opening
(C) Eliminate the possibility of lacerations
(D) Eliminate the need for caesarean birth
Q10 Obstetrical emergencies include all, except
(A) Ectopic pregnancy
(B) Placenta anterior
(C) Placenta previa
(D) Eclampsia
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