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G.N.M And Nursing MCQs It is helpful to BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse, GNM Competitive Exams, and All India Medical, BSc Nursing, G.N.M Entrance Exams. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well
Q1 Mid-day meal program provides how many calories and proteins per day
(A) 300 calories and 6-12 gram of proteins
(B) 200 calories and 6-12 grams of proteins
(C) 300 calories and 8-12 grams of proteins
(D) 200 calories and 8-12 grams of proteins
Q2 Severe muscle wasting, growth failure, and loss of subcutaneous fat are features of
(A) Beri-Beri
(B) Marasmus
(C) Kwashiorkor
(D) Scurvy
Q3 Prophylactically how many IFA tablets are given to pregnant and lactating mothers for the prevention of anemia
(A) 3 times a day for 110 days
(B) 3 times a day for 90 days
(C) 3 times a day for 100 days
(D) 3 times a day for 120 days
Q4 Which of the following formulas is correct for calculating Body Mass Index (BMI)-
(A) Weight in Kg + (Height in meter)2
(B) Weight in Kg – (Height in meter)2
(C) Weight in Kg x (Height in meter)2
(D) Weight in Kg + (Height in meter)2
Q5 The daily requirement of calcium that an adult must take is
(A) 40-50 Mg
(B) 4.0-5.0 Mg
(C) 400-500 Mg
(D) 4000-5000 Mg
Q6 One of the conditions caused by deficiency of vitamin A
(A) Beri-Beri
(B) Scurvy
(C) Bitot’s spots
(D) Retrolental fibroplasia
Q7 The first indicator of Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) in children is
(A) Overweight for age
(B) Weak and lethargic child
(C) Underweight for age
(D) Child having less intake of food
Q8 Pernicious anemia is caused by a deficiency of
(A) Thiamine
(B) Vitamin B12
(C) Iron
(D) Folic acid
Q9 Which food is naturally rich in vitamin C.
(A) Chicken
(B) Banana
(C) Orange
(D) Milk
Q10 One gram of fat provides.
(A) 6 Calories
(B) 9 Calories
(C) 4 Calories
(D) 8 Calories
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