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General Science MCQs including Physics, Chemistry, Biology. This help is General Eligibility Test like Entrance Exam, Sainik School, NDA, Army, All India Competitive exam, and All HP Exams. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well.
1. Which of the following is the smallest bird?
(A) Pigeon
(B) Parrot
(C) Hummingbird
(D) House sparrow
2. White lung disease is prevalent among the workers of?
(A) Paper industry
(B) cement industry
(C) Cotton industry
(D) Pesticide industry
3. Iodoform is used as an?
(A) Antipyretic
(B) Analgesic
(C) Antiseptic
(D) Anesthetic
4. The optimum dissolved oxygen level in mg/liter required for survival of aquatic organisms is?
(A) 4-6
(B) 2-4
(C) 8-10
(D) 12-16
5. An example of false fruit is?
(A) Apple
(B) Guava
(C) Mango
(D) Tomato
6. 399 normal fasting blood sugar level per 100 ml. of blood in man is?
(A) 30-50 mg
(B) 50-70 mg
(C) 80-100 mg
(D) 120-140 mg
7. The vector of disease sleeping sickness is?
(A) Sand-fly
(B) House-fly
(C) Fruit-fly
(D) Tsetse-fly
8. For how many years have the dinosaurs been extinct?
(A) About 25 million years
(B) About 65 million years
(C) About 35 million years
(D) About 45 million years
9. Which phenomenon do bats or dolphins use to find prey predators or obstacles?
(A) Refraction of sound
(B) Formation of beats
(C) Scattering of sound
(D) Echo location
10. The tallest and thick type of grass is?
(A) Alfalfa
(B) Fodder
(C) Bamboo
(D) Lichens
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