Dear Aspirants,
General Studies MCQs are the basic part of Himachal competitive exams. It is helpful to HPSSSB, and State Banks Exams. It is a series of General knowledge MCQ (including Indian History MCQs, Static gk) also help in the National level examination, Sainik School, NDA, and army exams, etc.
Q1. Which of the following kings assumed the title of ‘Alamgir’?
(A) Aurangzeb
(B) Babar
(C) Shahjahan
(D) Akbar
Q2. The Kohinoor diamond and the jewel-studded peacock throne of Shahjahan were taken away by?
(A) Nadir Shah
(B) The English
(C) Changez Khan
(D) Tamerlane
Q3. The battle of Plassey fought in 1757 resulted in the defeat of?
(A) British East India Company at the hands of the French East India Company
(B) the French at the hands of the East India Company
(C) Shah Alam II at the hands of the French
(D) Siraj-ud-Daulah at the hands of the English
Q4. The Battle of Haldighati was fought in the year?
(A) 1576
(B) 1556
(C) 1565
(D) 1539
Q5. Which of the following shifted the capital of the Mughal Empire from Agra to Delhi?
(A) Humayun
(B) Aurangzeb
(C) Shahjahan
(D) Jahangir
Q6. Due to which reason did Babur win the Battle of Panipat?
(A) His cavalry
(B) Afghan’s disunity
(C) His military skill
(D) Tulughma system
Q7 Sher Shah credited for introducing for the first time the following measures except?
(A) Land revenue system based on scientific principles
(B) Postal system
(C) Spy system
(D) Currency system
Q8 In 1809, Maharaja Ranjit Singh signed a treaty with?
(A) Ruler of Sindh
(B) Shah Alam
(C) East India Company
(D) King of Kashmir
Q9 Which of the following Rajput dynasties did not surrender to Akbar?
(A) Sisodia
(B) Pratihara
(C) Parmar
(D) Rathor
Q10 Which of the following was the main function of the Peshwa under Shivaji’s administration?
(A) He was in charge of all public finance and accounts of the kingdom
(B) He was to fix dates for religious ceremonies
(C) He advised the king about foreign affairs
(D) He was to look after the general interest and welfare of the state
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