In 2011, Una had a population of 521,173 of which male and female were 263,692 and 257,481 respectively. In the 2001 census, Una had a population of 448,273 of which males were 224,524 and the remaining 223,749 were females. Una District population constituted 7.59 percent of the total Maharashtra population. In the 2001 census, this figure for Una District was at 7.38 percent of Maharashtra population.
There was a change of 16.26 percent in the population compared to the population as per 2001. In the previous census of India 2001, Una District recorded an increase of 18.51 percent to its population compared to 1991.
Una District Density 2011
The initial provisional data released by census India 2011, shows that the density of Una district for 2011 is 338 people per sq. km. In 2001, Una district density was at 291 people per sq. km. Una district administers 1,540 square kilometers of areas.
Una Literacy Rate 2011
The average literacy rate of Una in 2011 was 86.53 compared to 80.37 in 2001. If things are looked out at gender wise, male and female literacy were 91.89 and 81.11 respectively. For the 2001 census, the same figures stood at 87.73 and 73.18 in Una District. Total literate in Una District was 399,715 of which male and female were 213,281 and 186,434 respectively. In 2001, Una District had 312,278 in its district.
Una Sex Ratio 2011
With regards to Sex Ratio in Una, it stood at 976 per 1000 male compared to the 2001 census figure of 997. The average national sex ratio in India is 940 as per the latest reports of Census 2011 Directorate. In the 2011 census, the child sex ratio is 875 girls per 1000 boys compared to the figure of 837 girls per 1000 boys of 2001 census data.
Una Child Population 2011
In census enumeration, data regarding child under 0-6 age were also collected for all districts including Una. There was a total of 59,231 children under the age of 0-6 against 59,712 of the 2001 census. Of total 59,231 males and females were 31,591 and 27,640 respectively. The child Sex Ratio as per census 2011 was 875 compared to 837 in census 2001. In 2011, Children under 0-6 formed 11.36 percent of Una District compared to 13.32 percent of 2001. There was a net change of -1.96 percent in this compared to the previous census of India.
Religions in Una
Una Houseless Census
In 2011, a total of 97 families live on footpath or without any roof cover in the Una district of Himachal Pradesh. Total Population of all who lived without a roof at the time of Census 2011 numbers to 354. This approx 0.07% of the total population of the Una district.
City/Metros in Una District
- Urban Agglomerations inside Una District
There is no Urban Agglomeration inside Una District - Cities inside Una District
There is no Urban Agglomeration inside Una District
Una District Urban/Rural 2011
- Out of the total Una population for the 2011 census, 8.62 percent lives in urban regions of district. In total 44,913 people lives in urban areas of which males are 23,438 and females are 21,475.
- The Sex Ratio in the urban region of the Una district is 916 as per the 2011 census data.
- Similarly, the child sex ratio in the Una district was 908 in the 2011 census. Child population (0-6) in urban region was 4,827 of which males and females were 2,530 and 2,297. This child population figure of the Una district is 10.79 % of the total urban population.
- The average literacy rate in Una district as per census 2011 is 86.65 % of which males and females are 89.94 % and 83.06 % literates respectively. In actual number 34,734 people are literate in urban region of which males and females are 18,805 and 15,929 respectively.
- As per the 2011 census, 91.38 % population of Una districts lives in rural areas of villages. The total Una district population living in rural areas is 476,260 of which males and females are 240,254 and 236,006 respectively. In rural areas of Una district, the sex ratio is 982 females per 1000 males. If child sex ratio data of Una district is considered, the figure is 872 girls per 1000 boys. Child population in the age 0-6 is 54,404 in rural areas of which males were 29,061 and females were 25,343. The child population comprises 12.10 % of the total rural population of the Una district.
- The literacy rate in rural areas of the Una district is 86.52 % as per census data 2011.
- Gender wise, male and female literacy stood at 92.08 and 80.94 percent respectively. In total, 364,981 people were literate of which males and females were 194,476 and 170,505 respectively.
Popular Name of Personalities and Places in Himachal Pradesh
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