Dear Aspirants,
General Studies MCQs are the basic part of Himachal competitive exams. It is helpful to HPSSSB, and State Banks Exams. It is a series of General knowledge MCQ (including Indian History MCQs, Static gk) also help in the National level examination, Sainik School, NDA, and army exams, etc.
Q1. The British Viceroy who took a number of measures for preserving ancient buildings and monuments of India was?
(A) Lord Ripon
(B) Lord Curzon
(C) Lord Minto
(D) Lord Irwin
Q2. Swarajists decided to seek election with the object of:
(A) Cooperation with the British
(B) Replacing of Congress
(C) Wrecking of Legislative Council from within
(D) Obtaining ministerial post
Q3. Swaraj was interpreted as complete independence at the Lahore session of Indian National Congress,which was presided over by :
(A) Motilal Nehru
(B) Subhash C. Bose
(C) C. R. Das
(D) J. L. Nehru
Q4. The fulsome development of Mughal painting was the achievement of:
(A) Humayun
(B) Babur
(C) Akbar
(D) Jahangir
Q5. The Vikramasila monastry was founded by:
(A) Shashanka
(B) Devapala
(C) Dharmapala
(D) Lakshmana Sena
Q6. Which one of the following is related to the origin the caste system ?
(A) Dharmasutra
(B) Kalpasutra
(C) The Purushasukta
(D) The Brain
Q7. Rice cultivation is associated with which one of the following Harappan sites ?
(A) Harappa
(B) Kalibangan
(C) Lothal
(D) Kotdiji
Q8. Tripitakas are the sacred books of the ?
(A) Hindus
(B) Jains
(C) Muslims
(D) Buddhist
Q9. Which one of the following was not included in zamindaris granted to East India Company by Mir Qasim ?
(A) Burdwan
(B) 24 pargana
(C) Chittagang
(D) Midnapore
Q10. The effects of the Kalinga was on King Ashoka are found in:
(A) Excavation
(B) Pillar edicts
(C) Rock edict (XIII)
(D) Painting
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