JOA IT – Computer Programming – HTML/CSS
Which of the following CSS property defines how an image or video fits into a container with established height and width?
The object-fit CSS property specifies how a video or an image is resized to fit its content box. It defines how an element fits into the container with an established width and height. It is generally applied to images or videos.
Which type of CSS is used in the below code? <p style = "border:2px solid red;">
If you want to use inline CSS, you should use the style attribute to the relevant tag. The inline CSS is also a method to insert style sheets in HTML document.
Which of the following CSS property specifies the origin of the background image?
The background-origin CSS property helps us to adjust the background image of the webpage. It specifies the background-position area, i.e., the origin of a background image. This CSS property will not work when the value of the background attachment is set to be fixed. It is similar to the background-clip property, except that it resizes the background instead of clipping it.
The CSS property used to set the maximum width of the element's content box is -
The max-width property in CSS is used to set the maximum width of the element's content box. It means that the width of the content box can be smaller than the max-width value but cannot be greater. It sets the upper bound on the element's width.
Which of the following CSS function allows us to perform calculations?
The calc() is an inbuilt CSS function that allows us to perform the calculations. It can be used to calculate length, percentage, time, number, integer frequency, or angle. It uses the four simple arithmetic operators add (+), multiply (*), subtract (-), and divide (/).
The CSS property used to set the maximum height of the element's content box is -
The max-height property in CSS sets the maximum height of the element's content box. It means that the height of the content box can be smaller than the max-height value but cannot be greater. It sets the upper bound on the element's height.
The CSS property used to set the minimum width of the element's content box is -
The min-width property is used to set the minimum width of the element's content box. It means that the width of the content box can be greater than the min-width value but cannot be shorter. It sets the lower bound on the element's width.
Which of the following CSS property is used to represent the overflowed text which is not visible to the user?
The text-overflow property specifies the representation of overflowed text, which is not visible to the user. It signals the user about the content that is not visible. This property helps us to decide whether the text should be clipped, show some dots (ellipsis), or display a custom string.
The CSS property which is used to define the set the difference between two lines of your content is -
The CSS line-height property is used to define the minimal height of line boxes within the element. It sets the differences between the two lines of your content. It defines the amount of space above and below inline elements.
Which of the following CSS property is used to add stroke to the text?
The text-stroke property in CSS is used to add a stroke to the text and also provides decoration options for them. It defines the color and width of strokes for text characters.
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