Passes in Spiti Valley


Passes of  Spiti Valley

Name Details
Chaksachan la
(5250 m)
A pass between the bend of the Lingti river in eastern Spiti. From west to east it leads to Lingti valley as the river makes a curve. Great view of Gyagar from its top.
Ghunsarang la
(5500 m)
An alternate pass near Manirang Pass is  Ghinsarang la or known locally as Ghulla la. It also connects Mane with  Ropa by a detour on the same ridge.
Kuli la
(4880 m)
Pass south of Chaksachan la, west of the  Lingti river. It joins the Lingti valley with the Syrma valley in eastern Spiti.
Kunzum la
(4550 m)
This pass is the gate to the Spiti valley from the west. There is a motorable road running through this pass now,  which connects Batal in the upper Chandra valley and the first village  Losar of the Spiti valley. This pass is broad and easily crossable. The ascent is steep, but not difficult from the upper Chandra valley, but the descent towards Spiti valley is negligible. This pass is crossable on foot from May/June to October/November and the snowfall on this pass is less than on the Rohtang Pass. The entire route is generally motorable from early August to late September, depending on snowfall each year.
Lepcha la Pass
(Hangrang Pass)
Lepcha la connects the extreme  south­eastern end of the Spiti valley with Shailkhar and Chango of the  Hangrang valley in Kinnaur. There is the vegetation on this pass and small trees and bushes are present. During winter there is residuary snow for a couple of months but the pass can be negotiated.
Manirang  Pass
(5550 m)
Manirang  Pass connects the Spiti valley with the Ropa valley of Kinnaur. This is a high pass and there is a five km long snow-bed on the Ropa valley side and about a three kilometers long snow-bed on the Spiti side. The approach to this pass from the Spiti side through village Mane is gradual whereas the descent towards the Ropa valley side is very steep through a very narrow gorge. There is hardly any other traffic on this route. The tracks leading to the pass are in a bad shape, quite tiring and in some places dangerous.
North  Ratang Col
(5600 m)
Situated on the shoulder of Ratang Tower peak. it is approached from the side valley of the Ratang and on the north leads to the Gyundi valley after careful negotiation.
Parang la
(5580 m)
Parang la connects the Spiti valley to parts of Ladakh. On the  Spitian side of this pass, flows the river Parilungbi and the track  runs on its side, climbing up the pass towards Ladakh. There is a  glacier about three kilometers on the northeast of this pass and a  number of crevasses make it difficult to cross.
On  the same axis as Parang la lies Takling la which follows a little detour to cross from Spiti to Ladakh to meet the Parang la route.
Pin  Parvati Pass
(5400 m)
This is the only major pass which was not discovered by the enterprising locals.  It was Louis Dane who investigated this pass and finally crossed it in  1897. This is a major pass which links the Pin valley with the Parvati valley of Kullu, thus avoiding the entire round-about journey over the  Rohtang and Kunzun la. For a visit to the large Pin valley, it was not necessary for locals to come via Kaja.
The route from Kullu climbs up gradually over snowfields and descends to the Pin valley to meet the Tari Khango pass route. The first villages in the Pin valley of Spiti are Mud and Sagnam.
Sanugba  Col
(5400 m)
The  Ratang valley, west Spiti has a major side valley called Sanugba. This pass is the side valley of Ratang leads to the Sanugba valley.
(4820 m)
A pass in the Lingti valley, ahead of Lalung village. After crossing Zingu Top one has to climb steeply to cross this pass and descend to Shijbang plains.
(5670 m)
The pass dividing Langja valley and Syarma Nala, It is situated on .the same ridge as Chau Chau Kang Nilda.
South  Ratang Pass
(5600 m)
Approaching from the Pin-Khamengarvalleys one has to approach this pass from.  aside valley. Difficult and steep descent towards the Ratang side.
Syarma la
(5040 m)
A pass joining the Syarma vailley with Kuli la in the Lingti valley. Situated on the right side of the valley. The Syarma Nala leads to ShillaJot.
Takling  la
(5500 m)
An alternate pass to Parang la, now sparingly used. It leads from Spiti to  Ladakh.
Tari  Khango Pass
(Bhaba  Pass)
(4865 m)
There are two passes in the southwest of Pin valley which connect the Spiti valley with the Bhaba valley of Kinnaur. The track from the Bhaba valley connects the Hindustan-Tibet road at Wangtu. The pass situated in the east is named ’Taft Khango’ and is popularly known as the ’Bhaba’ Pass. The pass in the west is called Shakarode (5100 m)  (also known as Shakarog Khaaxgo). By crossing Bhaba Pass from th~ Pin valley side, the entire area of Kinnaur district to the east of Wangtu can be bypassed. The approach to the pass from Spiti is gradual whereas the descent to the other side of the pass towards Bhaba valley is tedious and rocky. This pass has long been used as a trade route between the Pin and Bhaba valleys.
Yangzi  Diwan
(5890 m)
Literally means ’a new pass’. It is linking the upper Lingti valley and the Pare  Chu valley. It is a snow-bound and near Paftlungbi Peak.
Zingu Top
(4510 m)
Climb steeply from Lalung village in the Lingti valley to the depression in the ridge. The eastern side is steep and full of scree and leads to  Shijbang Pass.
About Rahul Dhatwalia 67 Articles
Rahul loves to read article on internet, He crawls over whole net for interesting and unknown facts. He is presently working in Public Sector Bank. In Leisure time He loves to play guitar, produce music and watching movies.

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