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Special for G.N.M And Nursing, BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse.
1. Fear of crowded or closed in spaces is?
(A) Agoraphobia
(B) Social phobia
(C) Hydrophobia
(D) Zoophobia
2. The amount of sperm present in seminal fluid?
(A) 100 million/ml
(B) 60million/ml
(C) 1million/ml
(D) 20million/ml
3. Which committee is also known as a health survey and development committee?
(A) Bhore committee
(B) Mudaliar committee
(C) Chada committee
(D) Mukharji committee
4. Abnormal connection b/w trachea and esophagus are called?
(A) Oesophageal atresia
(B) Trachea-oesophageal atresia
(C) Trachea-oesophageal fistula
(D) Oesophageal fistula
5. Three signs indicating trachea – ophageal fistula at birth are?
(A) Cyanosis, chocking, vomiting
(B) Cyanosis, coughing, chocking
(C) Coughing chest retraction, chest pain
(D) Chocking, coughing, dyspnea
6. Narrowing and obstruction of the lower portion of the stomach are termed as?
(A) Duodenal stenosis
(B) Fundal stenosis
(C) Pyloric stenosis
(D) Cardiac stenosis
7. Regurgitation and non-bilious vomiting is a clinical feature of?
(A) Pyloric stenosis
(B) Hirschsprung’s disease
(C) Necrotizing enterocolitis
(D) Congenital hernia
8. Deficiency of vitamin A leads to?
(A) Scurvy
(B) Rickets
(C) Goiter
(D) Night blindness(Nyctalopia)
9. _________is referred to a ‘SUNSHINE VITAMIN”?
(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin D
(C) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin K
10. Vitamin D deficiency leads to?
(A) Rickets
(B) Night blindness
(C) Scurvy
(D) Xeropthalmia
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