Dear Aspirants,
General Studies MCQs are the basic part of Himachal competitive exams. It is helpful to HPSSSB, and State Banks Exams. It is a series of General knowledge MCQ (including Indian History MCQs, Static gk) also help in the National level examination, Sainik School, NDA, and army exams, etc.
Q1. Which of the following Persian version of the Mahabharata was translated during Akbar’s reign?
(A) Razm Namah
(B) Iqbal Namah
(C) Sakinat-ul-Auliya
(D) Akbar Namah
Q2. Which of the following reigns has been called the Golden Age of the Mughal?
(A) Aurangzeb
(B) Akbar
(C) Jahangir
(D) Shahjahan
Q3. Which of the following was a Mughal queen whose name was written on all the Mughal farmans and inscribed on the coins?
(A) Mumtaz Mahal
(B) Mariam Makani
(C) Maham Anaga
(D) Nurjahan
Q4. Who was the ablest writer in Persian during Akbar’s period?
(A) Badauni
(B) Faizi Sarhindi
(C) Abul Fazal
(D) Faizi
Q5. Which of the following was/were constructed by Akbar?
(A) Agra Fort
(B) Lahore Fort
(C) Allahabad Fort
(D) All of these
Q6. Who was the last royal patron of the Mughal school of painting?
(A) Jahangir
(B) Dara Shikoh
(C) Aurangzeb
(D) Shahjahan
Q7. Which of the following was the original name of Tansen?
(A) Ramtanu Pande
(B) Baz Bahadur
(C) Lal Kalwant
(D) Makarand Pande
Q8. In which of the following languages did Babur write his memories called Tuzuk-i Babari?
(A) Turkish
(B) Persian
(C) Mongol
(D) Arabic
Q9. Which of the following revenue systems is also known as the ‘Bandobast System’?
(A) Nasa
(B) Zabti
(C) Kankut
(D) Dahsala
Q10. What was the term used by the Sufis for the successor nominated by the teacher of a Particular Order or Silsila
(A) Peer
(B) Murid
(C) Wali
(D) Khanqah
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