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G.N.M And Nursing MCQs It is helpful to BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse, GNM Competitive Exams, and All India Medical, BSc Nursing, G.N.M Entrance Exams. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well
Q1 Group therapy can best help those who
(A) Are emotionally ill
(B) Are dependent on others
(C) Feel that they have a problem
(D) Have no one to listen to them
Q2 Self-help groups such as alcoholics. Anonymous are successful because they meet the clients need to
(A) Grow
(B) Be trusted
(C) Belong
(D) Be independent
Q3 The part of mind that distinguish right from wrong and acts are censor of behaviour is called
(A) Id
(B) Superego
(C) Ego
(D) Libido
Q4 La Bella indifference is related to which of the following neurosis-
(A) Phobic anxiety
(B) Anxiety disorder
(C) Obsessional compulsion disorder
(D) Conversion reaction
Q5 Gustatory hallucination affects the
(A) Nose
(B) Ears
(C) Taste buds
(D) Skin
Q6 The therapeutie effective serum lithium concentration level is monitored
(A) 24-48 hrs
(B) 10-14 days
(C) 12-24 hrs
(D) 3-5 days
Q7 Persecutory delusion is more common in
(A) Schizophrenia
(B) Paranoid schizophrenia
(C) Manic depressive psychosis
(D) Bipolar affective disorder
Q8 The primary aim of psychiatric treatment is to
(A) Release the patient’s symptoms
(B) Return the patient to his home
(C) Help the patient to make a better psychosocial adjustment
(D) Prevent the patient from becoming psychotic
Q9 The most common type of dementia is
(A) Pick’s disease
(B) Parkinson’s disease
(C) Alzheimer’s disease
(D) Ties disease
Q10 Hallucination is a
(A) Cardiac disorder
(B) Mental disorder
(C) Renal disorder
(D) Reproductive disorder
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