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G.N.M And Nursing MCQs It is helpful to BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse, GNM Competitive Exams, and All India Medical, BSc Nursing, G.N.M Entrance Exams. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well
Q1 Delusion of persecution-
(A) Patient feels the CBI kill him
(B) Patient feels the CBI give any information
(C) Patient feels the CBI give the award
(D) Patient feels the CBI arrest him
Q2 As a nurse you will know if the person has a mood disorder if
(A) Has a flight of ideas
(B) Has a flat affect
(C) Has a paranoia
(D) Has a illusion
Q3 Psychological treatment for the personality problems, adjustment is done by
(A) Family therapy
(B) Milieu therapy
(C) Individual therapy
(D) Psycho therapy
Q4 45-year-old patient shows severe brain and mental deterioration, emotional distress, overactivity: Patient can be diagnosed to be suffering with-
(A) Alzheimer’s disease
(B) Picks disease
(C) Parkinson’s disease
(D) Huntington’s disease
Q5 Aphasia refers to
(A) Increased rate of speech
(B) Inability to speak
(C) Loud speech
(D) High pitch speech
Q6 A person seeling a design on the floor thought it was a fossil. It is an example of
(A) Illusion
(B) Hallucination
(C) Delusion
(D) Idea of reference
Q7 The most effective psychotherapy for a 10-year-old child diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is
(A) Play therapy
(B) Milieu therapy
(C) Behaviour therapy
(D) Family therapy
Q8 Rapid speech in which the words are strung together without meaning
(A) Word salad
(B) Neologism
(C) Flight of ideas
(D) Echolalia
Q9 False sensory perception in the absence of real external stimuli is called
(A) Depersonalization
(B) Hallucinations
(C) De-Ja VU
(D) Illusion
Q10 Lithium the drug of choice for bipolar disorders has a narrow therapeutic range of
(A) 20 mEq/L to 2.5 mEq/L
(B) 1.1 mEq/L to 3.0 mEq/L
(C) 0.7 mEq/L to 13 mEq/L
(D) 1.0 mEq/L to 2.0 mEq/L
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