Dear Aspirants,
G.N.M And Nursing MCQs It is helpful to BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse, GNM Competitive Exams, and All India Medical, BSc Nursing, G.N.M Entrance Exams. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well
Q1 I teaspoonful medicine is equal to
(A) 2ml
(B) 3ml
(C) 5ml
(D) 10ml
Q2 Which drug may cause ‘Gray baby syndrome;
(A) Chloramphenicol
(B) Gentamycin
(C) Penicillin
(D) Tetracycline
Q3 In following which drug control the progress of AIDS
(A) Ampicillin
(B) Zidouudine
(C) Streptomycin
(D) Dexona
Q4 What is the effect if adrenalin
(A) Increase heart rate
(B) Vasocinstriction
(C) vasodilation
(D) Both a and b
Q5 The medicin given during acute anaphylatic reaction is
(A) Atropine
(B) Aminophyline
(C) Deriphylline
(D) Adrenalin
Q6 Digocin is not given when heart rate
(A) Below 60
(B) Below 70
(C) Below 80
(D) Below 90
Q7 In following which analgesic is given is old age
(A) Aspirin
(B) Morphine
(C) Diclofenic sodium
(D) Ampicillin
Q8 In a 75 year old patient who had undergone hip replacement surgerym which sixe of canula iss unsed for I.V. Infusion
(A) 16 No.
(B) 18 No.
(C) 20 No.
(D) 22 No.
Q9 Anitpsychotic drug is
(A) Halaperidol
(B) Valproide acid
(C) Quinidine saphate
(D) Aminodarone
Q10 Antidote of heparin is
(A) Vitamin K
(B) Protamine sulhate
(C) Aminocarpoic acid
(D) Aminodarone
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