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Q1 Best Investigation to diagnose ectopic pregnancy.
(A) Urine pregnancy test
(B) Laparoscopy
(D) Hysteroscopy
Q2 During eclampsia which is the immediate nursing action
(A) IV magnesium sulfate
(B) Airway protection
(C) Prevent patient from falling
(D) Observation of vitals
Q3 Puerperium is the period after
(A) Conception
(B) Delivery
(C) Lactation
(D) Labour
Q4 Prophylaxes of Rh-incompatibility is done by
(A) Exchange transfusion in mother
(B) Administration of anti-D to child
(C) Exchange transfusion in child
(D) Administration of anti – D to mother
Q5 Ripeness of cervix is assessed by
(A) Bishop score
(B) Apgar score
(C) Downe score
(D) New ballard score
Q6 Uterus is palpable above the symphysis at-
(A) 8th week
(B) 12th week
(C) 14th week
(D) 10th week
Q7 The chief site of ectopic pregnancy is
(A) Tubal pregnancy
(B) Cervical pregnancy
(C) Abdominal pregnancy
(D) Ovarian pregnancy
Q8 The organ which provides nutrition to fetus is
(A) Liver
(B) Ovary
(C) Placenta
(D) Uterus
Q9 The normal duration of pregnancy is
(A) 250 days
(B) 280 days
(C) 300 days
(D) 365 days
Q10 Ferm test is used to assess LESIC –
(A) Ovulation
(B) Cancer cervix
(C) Menstruation
(D) Pregnancy
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