Dear Aspirants,
General Studies MCQs are the basic part of Himachal competitive exams. It is helpful to HPSSSB, and State Banks Exams. It is a series of General knowledge MCQ (including Indian History MCQs, Static gk) also help in the National level examination, Sainik School, NDA, and army exams, etc.
Q1. Why was the Swadeshi Movement started?
(A) Lord Curzon divided Bengal
(B) Of de-industrialisation in India
(C) The British government did not grant responsible government to India
(D) The British massacred innocent people at JallianwalaBagh
Q2. The Moderates decided to break with the extremists in the year (Surat) :
(A) 1919
(B) 1914
(C) 1907
(D) 1906
Q3. The Indian National Movement came to be dominated by the extremists after:
(A) 1905
(B) 1906
(C) 1910
(D) 1916
Q4. In early twentieth century Indian National Movement as influenced by :
(A) The outbreak of the First World War, 1914
(B) The Russian Japanese War, 1904-05
(C) The Russian Revolution, 1917
(D) Boer War, 1899
Q5. Which of the following was the most outstanding representative of the Militant Nationalist School?
(A) Rajnarain Bose
(B) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(C) Lala Lajpat Rai
(D) Bipin Chandera Pal
Q6. Which of the following supported the Cripps Mission ?
(A) All India Depressed Class Association
(B) Hindu Mahasabha
(C) Muslim League
(D) None of these
Q7. In which of the following places was the Indian Independence League formed in 1942 ?
(A) Tokyo
(B) Singapore
(C) Hongkong
(D) Berlin
Q8. The title of ‘Viceroy’ was added to the central office of the Governor-General of India for the first time in :
(A) 1862 A.D.
(B) 1858 A.D.
(C) 1856 A.D.
(D) 1848 A.D.
Q9. Who of the following was the founder of ‘Drain Theory which exposed the constant drain of wealth from India to England?
(A) M. K. Gandhi
(B) Dadabhai Naoroji
(C) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(D) S. N. Banerjee
Q10. Which of the following is wrongly matched ?
(A) Charter Act of 1853 To regulate the company’s affairs
(B) Charter Act of 1833 Company’s debt taken over by the Government of Ind
(C) Charter Act of 1813 Company’s monopoly of trade with India ended
(D) The Pitt’s India Act of Board of control to guide and
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