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General Program Shortcuts and moving around in a worksheet or cell for MS Excel:
1. Tab key is used for?
(A) Go to the next cell
(B) Select the entire row
(C) Select the entire column
(D) None of these
2. Shift + Tab is used for?
(A) Go to the next cell
(B) Go to home tab
(C) Go to the previous cell
(D) Select the entire worksheet
3. Ctrl + end is used for?
(A) Go to the most top right used cell
(B) Go to the most bottom left used cell
(C) Go to the most bottom right used cell
(D) Go to the most top left used cell
4. F5 key is used for?
(A) Go to bottom of the cell
(B) Go to any cell by pressing F5 and typing the cell coordinate or cell name
(C) Go to top of the cell
(D) Close the worksheet
5. Home key is used for?
(A) Go to the previous cell
(B) Go to the leftmost cell in the previous row
(C) Go to the leftmost cell in the next row
(D) Go to the leftmost cell in the current row (or go to the beginning of the cell if editing a cell)
6. Ctrl + home is used for?
(A) Move to the beginning of a worksheet
(B) Move to the end of a worksheet
(C) Move to the next worksheet
(D) Move to the previous worksheet
7. Page up / down is used for?
(A) Move one screen up in a worksheet
(B) Move one screen up or down in a worksheet
(C) Move one screen down in a worksheet
(D) Move to the previous cell
8. Alt + page up / down is used for?
(A) Move one screen to the left in a worksheet
(B) Move one screen to the right in a worksheet
(C) Move one screen to the right or left in a worksheet
(D) Move to the next worksheet
9. Ctrl + page up / down is used for?
(A) Move to the previous or next worksheet
(B) Move to the previous worksheet
(C) Move to the next worksheet
(D) Move one cell up or down
10. Alt + x is used for?
(A) Go to the add-ins tab
(B) Go to the home tab
(C) Go to page layout tab
(D) Go to view tab
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