Dear Aspirants,
Information Technology Quiz is the basic part of the Himachal GK. It is helpful to increase your knowledge based on information technology. It is a series of Himachal Gk MCQs. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well.
1. In MS Word the ability to combine names and addresses with a standard document is called?
(A) Document formatting
(B) Database management
(C) Mail merge
(D) Form letters
2. In MS Word which enables us to send the same letter to different persons?
(A) Macrons
(B) Templates
(C) Mail merge
(D) None of the above
3. In an MS Word processor would most likely be used to do?
(A) Keep an account of money spent
(B) Do a computer search in the media center
(C) Maintain an inventory
(D) Type a biography
4. In MS Word what is gutter margin?
(A) Margin that is added to the left margin when printing
(B) Margin that is added to the right margin when printing
(C) Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing
(D) Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing
5. In MS Word which can be used for quick access to commonly used commands and tools?
(A) Status bar
(B) Toolbar
(C) Menu bar
(D) Title bar
6. In MS Word which of the following is not an essential component to perform a mail merge operation?
(A) Main document
(B) Data source
(C) Merge fields
(D) Word fields
7. In MS Word when the language bar is____, it means that you do not see it on the screen but it will be displayed the next time you start your computer?
(A) Restored
(B) Hidden
(C) Minimized
(D) Closed
8. In MS Word AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace_____ as you type?
(A) Short, repetitive
(B) Grammatically incorrect
(C) Misspelled
(D) None of the above
9. In MS Word home key?
(A) Moves the cursor at the beginning of the document
(B) Moves the cursor at the beginning of the paragraph
(C) Moves the cursor at the beginning of the screen
(D) Moves the cursor at the beginning of the line
10. In MS Word ctrl + right arrow is used for?
(A) Moves the cursor one word right
(B) Moves the cursor end of the line
(C) Moves the cursor end of the document
(D) Moves the cursor one paragraph down
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