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1. The delete key of the keyboard is assigned to which command in Excel?
(A) Edit >> clear >> content
(B) Edit >> clear >> all
(C) Edit >> delete
(D) All of the above
2. If you need to remove only the formatting done in a range (numbers and formula typed there should not be removed) which of the following will be used?
(A) From the edit menu choose clear and then formats
(B) From the edit menu choose delete
(C) Click on remove formatting tool on the standard toolbar
(D) Double click the format painter and then press Esc key in keyboard
3. By default, Excel provides 3 worksheets. You need only two of them, how will you delete the third one?
(A) Right-click on the sheet tab of the third sheet and choose delete from the context menu
(B) Click on sheet 3 and from the edit menu choose delete
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of above
4. Which of the following action removes a sheet from workbook?
(A) Select sheet, then choose edit >> delete sheet
(B) Select sheet, then choose format >> sheet >> hide
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of above
5. While finding and replacing some data in Excel, which of the following statements is valid?
(A) You can find and replace within the sheet or workbook
(B) Excel does not have the option to match case to find
(C) Both A & B
(D) None are valid
6. Which of the following is not true about find and replace on Excel?
(A) You can search for bold and replace with italics
(B) You can decide whether to look for the whole word or not
(C) You can search in the formula too
(D) You can search by rows or columns or sheets
7. You can move a sheet from one workbook into a new book by?
(A) From the edit menu choose to move or copy sheet, mark the create a copy and click ok
(B) From the edit menu choose to move or copy then choose (Move to end) and click ok
(C) From the edit menu choose to move or copy then select (new book) from to book list and click ok
(D) None of the above
8. What is the short cut key to replace data with another in an Excel sheet?
(A) Ctrl + R
(B) Ctrl + shift + R
(C) Ctrl + H
(D) Ctrl + F
9. Comments put in cells are called?
(A) Smart tip
(B) Cell tip
(C) Web tip
(D) Soft tip
10. Comments can be added to cells using?
(A) Edit >> comments
(B) Insert >> comment
(C) File >> comments
(D) View >> comments
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