Your Anxiety is lying to you!
Ever since childhood, I have been extremely perceptive of the one emotion that easily blends in and mixes with all the others – anxiety. Anxiety has its own slow and subtle mechanism. It can get to you when things are going bad, and even when they aren’t. Traditionally fear is associated with the threat we can perceive in the present, and anxiety is colored with the uncertainty of the future.
If we simply sit back and observe, our headspace is akin to a flowing body of water with various sediments of thoughts and things, brimming through it. What is flowing through you is not you. Your anxiety, therefore, is lying to you!
If you allow yourself to step aside from your thought current and see things for what they are – mindfully, you will know better than to let your vision be clouded by what doesn’t even exist.
Don’t get me wrong, fear and anxiety are survival tactics. They are meant for self-preservation. It is when they form a dark silhouette that gnaws at the joy of living, is when they are to be banished as ‘riddikulus’.
In order to step into our respective powers, we frequently seek control. More often than what we may like to admit, this control is a projection of power, not power itself. True power is grit and faith to take on what comes to us as it does, in its own due course of time.
As I essay this composition I’m aware that my awareness cannot even fathom the so many things that can go wrong, but what holds this panorama together is – belief. Belief is a tool, a scalpel to shape the outcome; it is what works to mollycoddle anxiety to its restful sleep. Belief is the mark of a doer, the mark of the man that eventually wins – the man who thinks he can. Belief comes from being. Be. Be as you are because being is enough. Every being is enough. You are enough, as you are. The trick to walking a thousand miles is just to take that one step at a time.
Whatever you want to be is what you must do more – keep believing!
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