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Q1 Wilm’s tumor is a tumor of
(A) Kidney
(B) Testes
(C) Brain
(D) Liver
Q2 Normal birth weight is
(A) 2.5-3 kg
(B) 2-2.5 kg
(C) 3-3.5 kg
(D) 2.2-2.7 kg
Q3 A Newborn is considered as LBW if birth weight is
(A) 2.5 kg
(B) less than 2.5 kg
(C) less than 2 kg
(D) lesS than 3 kg
Q4 At which age a child can start to brush his teeth
(A) 2 years
(B) 4 years
(C) 3 years
(D) 20 months
Q5 In following which vaccine is given at birth by intradermal route
(D) Measles
Q6 The causative organism of chickenpox is
(A) Paramixo virus
(B) Varicella zoster
(C) Herpes simplex virus
(D) Bordetalla pertusis
Q7 While taking temperature from the rectal route in children thermometer should be inserted about
(A) 1/2 inch
(B) 1 inch
(C) 2 inch
(D) 1/4 inch
Q8 Anterior fontenella is ossified in-
(A) Soon after birth
(B) At 18 months
(C) At 6 week
(D) At 5 years
Q9 What are the criteria of LBW baby
(A) Birth weight <2 kg
(B) Birth weight <2.5 kg
(C) Birth weight <3 kg
(D) Birth weight <2.7 kg
Q10 In children which is the most appropriate route measuring temperature
(A) Oral
(B) Axillary
(C) Rectal
(D) Elbow
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