G.N.M And Nursing MCQ

 Dear Aspirants,

G.N.M And Nursing MCQs It is helpful to BSc Nursing, Staff Nurse, GNM Competitive Exams, and All India Medical, BSc Nursing, G.N.M Entrance Exams. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well

Q1 The most important complication of mumps in postpubertal males is-
(A) Hypopituitarism
(B) Sterility
(C) Decrease in libido
(D) Decrease in androgens

Q2 The nurse evaluates the adequacy of the neonate’s oxygen by monitoring
(A) Cyanosis of hands and feet
(B) Pulse rate continuously
(C) Arterial blood gas levels
(D) The percentage of oxygen received

Q3 During the first year after birth an infant’s birth weight normally
(A) Remain stable
(B) Doubles
(C) Triples
(D) Quadruples

Q4 The freshly prepared ORS (Oral rehydration: solution) should be used within-
(A) 12 hours
(B) 24 hours
(C) 36 hours
(D) 48 hours

Q5 Parents of the hospitalized infants should be encouraged to stay with their child to help decrease
(A) Problem with attachment
(B) Separation anxiety
(C) Risk for injury
(D) Failure to thrive

Q6 Which of the following is a manifestation of pyloric stenosis
(A) Projectile vomiting
(B) Regurgitation
(C) Steatorrhea
(D) Tenesmus

Q7 Oxygenated blood enters the fetal circulation from the umbilical vein via
(A) Ductus arteriosus
(B) Ductus venosus
(C) Intrahepatic vein
(D) Intrahepatic artery

Q8 Recommended site of administration of DPT in an infant is
(A) Deltoid
(B) Forearm
(C) Gluteal
(D) Intravenous

Q9 Which of the following are signs of a postmature newborn-
(A) Smooth, Supple skin
(B) Long brittle fingernails
(C) Well developed eyebrows
(D) Creases in the soles of feet

Q10 Which of the following would the nurse recognize as most characteristic of cerebral palsy
(A) It is reversible
(B) It is progressive
(C) It Usually results in mental retardation
(D) It appears at birth or during the first 2 years of the life of


About pankaj 439 Articles
Pankaj is passionate about his work. Because he loves what he does. He is a full time blogger and also has experience in Computer as well as in Teaching Field. DHGK is the dream Project of his own Mind to help aspirants.

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