Dear Aspirants,
Information Technology Quiz is the basic part of the Himachal GK. It is helpful to increase your knowledge based on information technology. It is a series of Himachal Gk MCQs. You can also play our weekly quiz and download all quizzes PDF as well.
1. What is the shortcut key you can press to create a copyright symbol?
(A) Alt + ctrl + c
(B) Alt + c
(C) Ctrl + c
(D) Ctrl + shift + c
2. What is the shortcut key to open font dialog box?
(A) Ctrl + f
(B) Alt + ctrl + f
(C) Ctrl + d
(D) Ctrl + shift + d
3. What is the shortcut key to “center align” the selected text?
(A) Ctrl + c
(B) Ctrl + e
(C) Ctrl + f
(D) Ctrl + k
4. What is the shortcut key for spelling check in MS Word document?
(A) F7
(B) Shift + F7
(C) Ctrl + F7
(D) Alt + F7
5. What is the shortcut key to update formula in a table in MS Word document?
(A) F9
(B) Alt + F9
(C) Ctrl + F9
(D) Shift + F9
6. What is the shortcut key for “font” dialog box?
(A) Ctrl + f
(B) Ctrl + d
(C) Ctrl + g
(D) None of the above
7. What is the shortcut key for “find and replace” dialog box?
(A) Ctrl + f
(B) Ctrl + r
(C) Ctrl + h
(D) Ctrl + shift + f
8. What is the shortcut key to “install hyperlink” in a MS Word document?
(A) Ctrl + h
(B) Ctrl + l
(C) Ctrl + k
(D) Ctrl + v
9. How can you access the font size tool on formatting toolbar?
(A) Ctrl + s
(B) Ctrl + shift + s
(C) Ctrl + p
(D) Ctrl + shift + p
10. What is the shortcut for “subscript” the selected text?
(A) Ctrl + =
(B) Ctrl + –
(C) Ctrl + shift + =
(D) Ctrl + shift + –
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