Himachal GK MCQs
Himachal GK MCQ – 73
Dear Aspirants, Himachal Gk MCQs is the basic part of Himachal competitive exams. It is helpful to HPSSSB, HPPSC, and State Banks Exams. It is a series of Himachal Gk MCQs. Q1. Who has ordered […]
Dear Aspirants, Himachal Gk MCQs is the basic part of Himachal competitive exams. It is helpful to HPSSSB, HPPSC, and State Banks Exams. It is a series of Himachal Gk MCQs. Q1. Who has ordered […]
SECURE Himalaya Project – Government of India Scheme to Protect Environment. SECURE stands for SEcuring livelihoods, Conservation, sustainable Use and Restoration of high range Himalayan Ecosystems. To ensure conservation of locally and globally significant biodiversity, […]
Hello Folks! We’ve started a new series called “Know Your District” in which we are giving all the related information one should know either to enhance their knowledge of Himachal Pradesh or preparing for any […]
Daily Himachal GK 2020