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General Program Shortcuts and editing and formatting cell for MS Excel:
1. Delete key is used for?
(A) Remove the content of a row
(B) Remove the content of a cell, select data, or selected cell range
(C) Remove the content of a cell select data only
(D) Remove the content of selected cell range
2. Alt + enter is used for?
(A) Insert a hard return within a worksheet
(B) Insert a hard return within a row
(C) Insert a hard return within a column
(D) Insert a hard return within a cell (while editing a cell)
3. F3 key is used for?
(A) Paste a cell name (if cells are named in the worksheet)
(B) Copy a cell name (if cells are named in the worksheet)
(C) Cut a cell name (if cells are named in the worksheet)
(D) Delete a cell name (if cells are named in the worksheet)
4. Alt +H+D+C is used for?
(A) Delete a cell
(B) Delete row
(C) Delete column
(D) Delete worksheet
5. Esc key is used for?
(A) Cancel an entry in a cell or the formula bar
(B) Cancel an entry in a cell only
(C) Cancel an entry in the formula bar only
(D) Cancel an entry in a worksheet only
6. Enter key is used for?
(A) Complete an entry in a worksheet only
(B) Complete an entry in the formula bar only
(C) Complete an entry in a cell only
(D) Complete an entry in a cell or the formula bar
7. Ctrl + B is used for?
(A) Remove bold to the contents of a cell, or selected cell range
(B) Add bold to the contents of a cell, or selected cell range
(C) Add or remove bold to the contents of a cell, or selected cell range
(D) Add or remove bold to the contents of selected cell range
8. Ctrl + I is used for?
(A) Add italics to the contents of a cell, or selected cell range
(B) Add or remove italics to the contents of a cell, or selected cell range
(C) Remove italics to the contents of a cell, or selected cell range
(D) Add or remove italics to the contents of a cell only
9. Ctrl + u is used for?
(A) Add or remove underline to the contents of a cell, or selected cell range
(B) Add or remove underline to the contents of a cell only
(C) Add or remove underline to the contents of the selected cell range only
(D) Add underline to the contents of a cell, or selected cell range
10. Alt + H + h is used for?
(A) Apply outline border
(B) Add a border
(C) Select a remove color
(D) Select a fill color
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